Tuesday, February 1, 2011

10 Most Bad-Ass Movie Characters

Honorable Mention

 Jaguar Paw- Apocalypto

 - After an enemy tribe destroys his village, Jaguar Paw single-handedly escapes the clutches of his captors and rescues his wife and children.  His cunning ability to outsmart and outrun his enemies for the sake of his family makes Jaguar Paw an honorable mention candidate.

William Wallace - Braveheart

Mel Gibson's portrayal of the greatest Scotsman ever is most definitely deserving an honorable mention.  Wallace leads a group of ragged soldiers to fight against the great nation of England in the first war for Scottish Independence.  After his lover is slaughtered, Wallace fights for justice and freedom with great success until he is executed in the most horrible way imaginable.  Without a doubt one of the greatest bad asses of all time.

The MacManus Brothers - The Boondock Saints

While these boys make a strong case for the top ten, they still fall a little short.  With the resolution to rid Boston of everything evil, and stop all corruption, the MacManus brothers go on an epic spree of anti-crime action.  A style all to their own, these brothers define cool while maintaining a bad ass resume.

Rocky Balboa- The Rocky Series

While most people would have Rocky in the top ten, Rocky V and his most recent boxing adventure, Rocky Balboa, have slightly ruined this character for me.  Nonetheless, Rocky Balboa is still the greatest underdog of all time and his heroic performances over some truly horrifying opponents grants Rocky honorable mention.

And now for the top ten bad ass characters in movie history...

10. Pete Dunham - Green Street Hooligans

Probably not as well known as some others on this list, Pete is well deserving.  An avid fan of the West Ham United Football team, and leader of the green street elite, Dunham holds more than his own in numerous fist fights and all out brawls.  As the movie continues and the stakes continue to rise, Pete steps up to the challenge and in the end makes the highest sacrifice possible to keep his friends and family out of harms way.  His confidence and toughness bring Pete Dunham in at number ten.

9. Derek Vinyard - American History X

A controversial character to say the least, Derek Vinyard is one hell of a bad-ass.  When Derek reclaims the basketball courts he puts on a great display of toughness and hardcore attitude.  Any character who executes a person with a curb-stomp has to be considered for this list.  After his stint in prison Derek changes and decides to focus on protecting his younger brother, bad-ass number 9 is Derek Vinyard.

8. Alonzo Harris- Training Day

This corrupt officer has a swagger all to his own with the leather jacket to match.  His tactics are never by the book and his morals are way off base, Alonzo is indeed one bad-ass.  He doesn't worry about laws, or even what his trainee has to say, he does what he wants, when he wants.  Alonzo Harris is bad-ass number 8.

7. Sergeant Hartman - Full Metal Jacket

Sergeant Hartman came up with some of the most outrageous insults one could ever think up, and he used them more frequently than any character in history.  His taunts led Private Pyle to kill himself and his leadership was necessary to get the soldiers ready for Vietnam.  Sergeant Hartman's ridiculous slanders and downright angry leadership style land him at number seven on the list of biggest movie bad-asses.

6. Tony Montana - Scarface

An obvious choice for this list, between the sex, drugs, and guns Tony Montana is infamous for being a hard-ass and dominating his way to the top.  Having mercy is not the way to get on top of the world, and Tony Montana had no mercy.  Not much needs to be said as to why Tony Montana is considered a bad-ass.

5. Jules Winnfield - Pulp Fiction

Samuel L. Jackson is one bad-ass mother fucker, his wallet says so.  This religious gangster claims divine intervention saved him when a job went awry, but that didn't stop him from killing whoever got in his path.  Known for his hilariously cruel honesty, Jules Winnfield is indeed a bad-ass. 

4. King Leonidas - 300

Probably the most memorable line of any movie in the last ten years, "This is Sparta." King Leonidas leads a group of merely 300 soldiers against one of the most feared armies of all times, the Persians.  With the most dominant soldiers imaginable, King Leonidas outsmarts and outfights the Persians for the majority of the movie.  As imagined, the sheer numbers of the Persians eventually overran the Spartans, but not before King Leonidas claimed his place in history as the number 4 bad-ass of all time.

3. John Rambo- First Blood Series

John Rambo is a man among boys.  He dismantled an entire police squad after they unfairly imprisoned him for looking rough and ragged.  After that he rescued multiple POW's from Vietnam without the slightest bit of help from his home base.  With humility and courage John Rambo survived a flop thirty years after the original first blood, in the form of Rambo, to remain in the number three spot on the list.

2. John McClane - Die Hard Series

Could be argued for the number one spot, John McClane found himself in quite a few situations, and managed to completely take over with pure toughness and ingenuity.  With some classic lines and more than a few innovative techniques John McClane is most definitely a bad-ass.  Taking down Hans in the original Die Hard without even wearing shoes would be enough for most people, but McClane went on to make three more movies in situations rivaling that one in impossibility.

1. Maximus Decimus Meridius- Gladiator

Was there ever a question? Maximus is the most bad-ass movie character of all time.  Revenging an murdered family and a corrupt emperor, Maximus rises through the gladiator ranks to become a fan favorite.  It is downright unheard of for the fans to root for a gladiator, yet Maximus fought with such vigor and toughness it seemed impossible not to root for him.  No one has quite exemplified the phrase bad-ass like Maximus Decimus Meridius and that is why he tops this list. 

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