Saturday, January 7, 2012

Most Intimidating Athletes of All Time

10. Dale Earnhardt - Nicknamed the intimidator, Dale Earnhardt changed the face of stock car racing.  The biggest name to ever come out of racing, Earnhardt struck fear in the hearts of other drivers.  He was willing to do whatever it took to win, and win he did.

Monday, January 2, 2012

All Around Guy

This may sound like a weird category, but my buddies and I were discussing it the other day.  The all around guy is someone that is the best at what they do, is liked by most everyone, and is well accepted among the ladies.  After much debate we came up with a top five, and I have thrown a few others we discussed on there as well.  Let me know what you think and who you would add in the comments.

Honorable Mention:

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Outrageous Pop Singers of the 80's

The 80's were an interesting era, and while we have Lady Gaga and Ke$ha these days, they don't even compare to the craziness that was the 1980's.  Some of the popular artists in during that decade were simply over the top and here are the top ten.

10. Mark Mothersbaugh - Lead singer of Devo, Mothersbaugh only had one big hit with Whip It, but his crazy style and unique group made quite the impression.  The music video for Whip It is often referenced when talking about the 80's in general and represents all that was the 1980's.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Best High School Movies of All Time

Everybody remembers their high school days, good or bad they are impossible to forget.  A bunch of teenagers hanging out together and attempting to be controlled by authority always leads to funny stories as well as interesting relationships.  Here is a list of the top ten movies about the glory days of all time.

10. Friday Night Lights - What goes better with high school than football?  This story about a small town teams hunger for greatness really shows all the ups and downs of high school.  A great back story and some great characters, my favorite being Booby Miles, Friday Night Lights rests at number 10.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Most Dominant Pitchers of the Last 20 Years

10. Kevin Brown - Maybe a surprise on the list, Kevin Brown was a dominant force in the 90's with a hard sinking fastball and a plus slider.  Known for a bad temper, Brown quietly compiled over 200 career wins and an era of 3.28.